Better Discount Card Fundraisers by DISCOUNTCARDPROS
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Price: $20.00 $10.00 CHS special
Purchase below by credit, debit or Paypal
Credit card size fold-over discount card
REUSABLE discounts through 12/31/17.
Valid at 102+ locations of 50 different local businesses and national chains... all in the immediate area.
Show your card, receive your discount. Keep your card and use it again on your next visit. No coupons, stickers, stamps, hole punching, etc.
Cards fold once to credit card size. Easy to carry, always handy.
The purpose of this fundraiser is to raise funds for the Virtual Business Class, allowing us to pay for trade show booth costs, trade show field trip expenses, and competition attire. By purchasing a discount card you will be helping the Virtual Business Class compete successfully at various trade shows throughout the school year. Some of the trade show competitions our class would like to compete in for the 2017-2018 school year are in Bakersfield, Long Beach, and San Diego. We also hope to place at the state level and attend the Business Plan Competition in New York.
The EVERYONE WINS fundraiser offered by
Please SHARE THIS LINK with neighbors, friends and family
to help us achieve our fundraising goal.
Click "Buy Now" to choose quantity and Pay by credit, debit or PayPal. It is NOT necessary to have or create a PayPal account to pay by credit or debit. Cards will mailed to you directly the next business day.
The Everyone Wins Fundraiser
YOU WIN with huge savings at businesses in your area. Cards usually pay for themselves in the first couple of uses.
LOCAL BUSINESSES WIN with increased traffic and goodwill in their community.
OUR GROUP WINS raising good money providing you and your friends and family a valuable product that we can be proud to sell.
Better Discount Card Fundraisers by Discount Card Pros
Better Discount Card Fundraisers by Discount Card Pros
Fold Over Ultimate Discount Cards